Taraji P Henson Movies And TV Shows

Taraji P Henson Movies And TV Shows

Taraji P. Henson is a highly talented and accomplished actress, known for her remarkable performances in both movies and TV shows. With a career spanning over two decades, she has captivated audiences with her versatility, charisma, and incredible acting skills.


1. Hidden Figures (2016)

In this critically acclaimed film, Taraji P. Henson portrays the role of Katherine Johnson, a brilliant African-American mathematician who played a pivotal role in NASA’s historic space missions. Henson’s exceptional performance in Hidden Figures not only showcased her acting prowess but also shed light on the untold stories of African-American women who made significant contributions to the space program. Her portrayal of Katherine Johnson earned her an Academy Award nomination for Best Supporting Actress, solidifying her status as a powerhouse performer.

Some key highlights of Henson’s performance in Hidden Figures include:

  • Authentic portrayal: Henson’s dedication to capturing the essence of Katherine Johnson’s character is evident throughout the film. She effectively portrays Johnson’s intelligence, determination, and resilience, bringing her to life on the screen.

  • Emotional depth: Henson skillfully conveys the emotional journey of Katherine Johnson, allowing the audience to empathize with her experiences and struggles in a racially segregated society. Her nuanced performance adds layers of depth to the character, making her portrayal truly captivating.

  • Chemistry with the ensemble cast: Henson’s chemistry with her co-stars, including Octavia Spencer and Janelle MonĂ¡e, further enhances the overall impact of the film. The strong bond between these characters adds a layer of authenticity to the story and reinforces the theme of unity and empowerment.

2. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (2008)

Taraji P. Henson stars alongside Brad Pitt in this fantasy drama film directed by David Fincher. In The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Henson delivers a powerful performance as Queenie, a nurturing caregiver who forms a deep connection with Benjamin Button, a man who ages backward. Her portrayal of Queenie showcases her ability to bring depth and emotion to her characters, leaving a lasting impact on the audience.

Here are some notable aspects of Henson’s performance in The Curious Case of Benjamin Button:

  • Vulnerability and strength: Henson masterfully balances Queenie’s vulnerability and strength, making her a relatable and compelling character. She effortlessly conveys Queenie’s compassion, resilience, and unwavering support for Benjamin, earning the audience’s empathy and admiration.

  • Chemistry with Brad Pitt: Henson’s on-screen chemistry with Brad Pitt is palpable, adding depth to their characters’ relationship. Their interactions are filled with warmth and genuine affection, creating a strong emotional connection that resonates with the audience.

  • Captivating presence: Henson’s charisma and screen presence shine through in every scene she appears in. Even in a film with a stellar cast, she manages to leave a lasting impression, making her performance a standout element of the movie.

3. Hustle & Flow (2005)

In this critically acclaimed drama, Taraji P. Henson portrays the character of Shug, a sex worker who becomes involved with a struggling music producer played by Terrence Howard. Henson’s extraordinary portrayal in Hustle & Flow earned her an Academy Award nomination for Best Supporting Actress, further establishing her as a versatile and talented performer.

Key aspects of Henson’s performance in Hustle & Flow include:

  • Raw authenticity: Henson brings an authenticity to her character that is both captivating and emotionally charged. She fearlessly delves into the complexities of Shug’s life, portraying her struggles, vulnerabilities, and resilience with great depth and conviction.

  • Chemistry with Terrence Howard: Henson’s chemistry with Terrence Howard is electric, adding layers of intensity and emotion to their on-screen relationship. Their performances complement each other, creating a compelling dynamic that drives the narrative forward.

  • Musical talent: In addition to her acting prowess, Henson showcases her musical talent in Hustle & Flow. She delivers powerful and soulful performances, contributing to the film’s rich and immersive atmosphere.

4. The Karate Kid (2010)

Taraji P. Henson takes on the role of Sherry Parker, the mother of the main character Dre Parker, in this beloved remake of the classic martial arts film. Her portrayal beautifully captures the love and determination of a mother trying to protect her son in a new environment. Henson’s performance in The Karate Kid adds depth and emotional resonance to the film, elevating it beyond a typical coming-of-age story.

Here are some notable aspects of Henson’s performance in The Karate Kid:

  • Maternal strength: Henson embodies the role of a strong and supportive mother, showcasing her character’s unwavering love and determination. Her portrayal effectively conveys the challenges and sacrifices Sherry Parker makes to ensure her son’s well-being, making her an inspirational figure for the audience.

  • Emotional range: Henson displays a wide range of emotions, from moments of vulnerability to instances of fierce protectiveness. Her nuanced performance adds layers of complexity to the character, making her relatable and memorable.

  • Chemistry with Jaden Smith: Henson’s chemistry with Jaden Smith, who plays Dre Parker, is heartwarming and genuine. Their on-screen relationship feels authentic, creating a strong emotional core for the film.

5. Baby Boy (2001)

Directed by John Singleton, Baby Boy is a crime drama that explores the life of Jody, a young man trying to navigate adulthood. Taraji P. Henson delivers a stunning performance as Yvette, Jody’s love interest and the mother of his child. Her portrayal showcases her ability to tackle complex and emotionally charged roles, leaving a lasting impact on the audience.

Key highlights of Henson’s performance in Baby Boy include:

  • Complexity and depth: Henson brings a complexity and depth to the character of Yvette, elevating her beyond the typical romantic interest. She effectively conveys Yvette’s struggles, vulnerabilities, and resilience, making her a fully realized and relatable character.

  • Chemistry with Tyrese Gibson: Henson’s chemistry with Tyrese Gibson, who plays Jody, is palpable and adds an authenticity to their on-screen relationship. Their performances together create a compelling dynamic that drives the emotional core of the film.

  • Emotional intensity: Henson’s ability to convey intense emotions is showcased throughout Baby Boy. She fearlessly tackles difficult scenes, capturing the rawness and vulnerability of her character’s experiences.

TV Shows

1. Empire (2015-2020)

Taraji P. Henson gained widespread recognition for her role as Cookie Lyon in the hit TV series Empire. Her portrayal of the fierce and dynamic matriarch of a music empire earned her critical acclaim and numerous awards, including a Golden Globe for Best Actress in a Drama Series.

Key aspects of Henson’s performance in Empire include:

  • Unforgettable presence: Henson’s portrayal of Cookie Lyon is unforgettable. She brings a larger-than-life energy to the character, commanding the screen with her charisma and magnetic presence. Her performance is a tour de force that captivates and entertains viewers.

  • Emotional range: Henson showcases an impressive emotional range in Empire. From moments of fierce determination and strength to instances of vulnerability and heartache, she delivers a multi-dimensional performance that keeps audiences emotionally invested in Cookie’s journey.

  • Chemistry with the ensemble cast: Henson’s chemistry with the ensemble cast, including Terrence Howard and Jussie Smollett, is a highlight of the series. Their interactions and dynamics create a rich tapestry of relationships, adding depth and complexity to the storylines.

2. Person of Interest (2011-2016)

In this thrilling crime drama, Taraji P. Henson plays the role of Detective Joss Carter. Her character is a determined and skilled police officer who becomes entangled in a complex web of government conspiracies. Henson’s performance in Person of Interest received high praise for its intensity and depth, contributing to the show’s success.

Noteworthy elements of Henson’s performance in Person of Interest include:

  • Tenacity and strength: Henson portrays Detective Joss Carter with unwavering tenacity and strength. Her character’s determination to seek justice and uncover the truth adds an exciting layer of suspense to the series. Henson’s performance effectively captures the essence of a dedicated law enforcement officer.

  • Emotional complexity: Henson brings emotional complexity to Detective Joss Carter, allowing the audience to connect with her character on a deeper level. She skillfully conveys the internal struggles and conflicts faced by Carter, making her portrayal relatable and compelling.

  • Action sequences: Henson’s physicality and presence shine through in the show’s action sequences. She convincingly portrays Carter’s skills as a police officer, adding a layer of excitement and intensity to the series.

3. Boston Legal (2007-2008)

Taraji P. Henson joins the cast of the legal drama series Boston Legal in its fourth season. She portrays the character Whitney Rome, an intelligent and ambitious attorney. Henson’s addition to the show brought a fresh energy and showcased her ability to seamlessly integrate into an established ensemble cast.

Here are some notable aspects of Henson’s performance in Boston Legal:

  • Sharp wit and intelligence: Henson embodies the intelligent and quick-witted attorney Whitney Rome with great finesse. Her character’s sharp intellect and legal prowess add depth to the series, engaging viewers with her compelling arguments and captivating presence.

  • Chemistry with the ensemble cast: Henson’s chemistry with the ensemble cast, including James Spader and William Shatner, contributes to the show’s dynamic and entertaining nature. Her interactions and banter with her co-stars create a vibrant and engaging atmosphere.

  • Versatility: Henson’s ability to seamlessly transition into a legal drama series like Boston Legal demonstrates her versatility as an actress. Her performance in the show further solidified her range and adaptability in portraying diverse characters.

4. Empire spin-off: Star (2017-2019)

Taraji P. Henson reprised her role as Cookie Lyon in the Empire spin-off series Star. Star follows the journey of three talented young singers as they navigate the music industry. Henson’s appearance in the show allowed fans to further connect with the beloved character she portrayed in Empire, expanding the Empire universe and offering new storylines.

Key highlights of Henson’s presence in Star include:

  • Continuation of Cookie Lyon: Henson seamlessly continues her iconic portrayal of Cookie Lyon in Star, maintaining the same energy, charisma, and captivating presence that made the character beloved by audiences. Her involvement in the spin-off further explores Cookie’s story and adds depth to the Empire universe.

  • Chemistry with the new cast: Henson’s chemistry with the new cast members of Star adds a fresh dynamic to the series. Her interactions with the young singers bring a combination of mentorship, tough love, and maternal guidance, enhancing the overall narrative.

  • Expanding the music industry storyline: Henson’s presence in Star allows for the exploration of new storylines within the music industry. Her character’s experiences and connections contribute to the show’s depiction of the challenges and triumphs faced by aspiring musicians.

5. Boston Common (1996-1997)

Early on in her career, Taraji P. Henson starred in the sitcom Boston Common. She portrayed Tasha King, a sassy and street-smart dormitory resident advisor. This role helped showcase her comedic timing and laid the foundation for her future success in the entertainment industry.

Here are some notable aspects of Henson’s performance in Boston Common:

  • Comedic talent: Henson’s portrayal of Tasha King highlights her comedic talent and ability to deliver humorous lines with impeccable timing. Her character adds a lively and entertaining element to the sitcom, contributing to its comedic success.

  • Charismatic presence: Henson’s charismatic presence shines through in Boston Common. She effortlessly captures the attention of the audience, bringing energy and vibrancy to the show.

  • Chemistry with the ensemble cast: Henson’s chemistry with the ensemble cast members of Boston Common creates a cohesive and engaging dynamic. Her interactions with her co-stars contribute to the show’s overall comedic and entertaining atmosphere.

Taraji P. Henson’s filmography and television roles demonstrate her range as an actress. From powerful dramas to engaging TV series, she consistently delivers captivating performances that leave a lasting impact on audiences. Her ability to bring depth, emotion, and authenticity to her characters has solidified her as one of the most talented and respected actresses in the industry.


Q1: Which movie earned Taraji P. Henson an Academy Award nomination for Best Supporting Actress?

A1: Taraji P. Henson earned an Academy Award nomination for Best Supporting Actress for her exceptional performance in the movie Hidden Figures (2016).

Q2: Who does Taraji P. Henson portray in the film The Curious Case of Benjamin Button?

A2: In the film The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (2008), Taraji P. Henson portrays the character Queenie, a nurturing caregiver who forms a deep connection with the main character Benjamin Button.

Q3: What role did Taraji P. Henson play in the critically acclaimed drama Hustle & Flow?

A3: In the critically acclaimed drama Hustle & Flow (2005), Taraji P. Henson portrays the character Shug, a sex worker who becomes involved with a struggling music producer.

Q4: Which TV show earned Taraji P. Henson a Golden Globe for Best Actress in a Drama Series?

A4: Taraji P. Henson earned a Golden Globe for Best Actress in a Drama Series for her portrayal of Cookie Lyon in the hit TV show Empire (2015-2020).

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